“Despite how I look, I’m the 
leader here, after all…”

— Rimuru Tempest, Ruler of monsters (a slime)

Monster Index: Slimes

Basic Description

Slimes are gelatinous monsters that hunt by submerging their prey in their body to be slowly dissolved by strong acids. Their color is determined by their environment and the prey they hunt most frequently. It is not uncommon to see blue, yellow, green, and red slimes. Their size varies according to their uniqueness and age, but generally, slimes will grow larger over time. They can moderate the surface tension of their body to become more or less liquid like and are commonly mistaken for small puddles or ponds when they spread their bodies out over a large area. Every slime has a monster core or nucleus that when broken, causes death.

Danger Rating

Slimes are generally the weakest monster you could encounter in the wild. The wary adventurer can avoid falling prey to a surprise attack by a slime. That said, once part of the prey’s body is caught inside a slime’s body, it can be nigh impossible to extricate oneself without destroying the nucleus. Slimes are immune to physical attacks and therefore can pose a serious threat to melee only fighters, but they generally have low magic resistance. Magic is the most effective way to deal damage to a slime and with the use of fire attribute magic, most will quickly die given that most of their body is water. There are exceptions however. It is possible that a slime evolves with a resistance to the fire attribute.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Elemental affinities are typically related to their color. Red slimes are usually resistant to fire attribute magic while blue slimes are usually resistant to water attribute magic. But nothing is ever certain when it comes to slimes. They absorb anything they come across so it is possible to see slimes with a vast array of abilities – everything from poison attributes to total magical immunity. A slime that has absorbed a sufficient number of magical substances and/or has acquired a skill can even cast magic. Though generally the weakest monster, slimes are by far one of the most versatile that can be found in nature.


Slimes like damp and dark places. Those places reduce the evaporation of their liquid body. It also makes it easier for them to trap unsuspecting prey. Forest floors, caves, and abandoned structures are desirable habitats for slimes.

Reproductive Abilities

Asexual in nature, slimes do not need another slime to reproduce. At a point in their life when they have reached a certain mass, they will asexually divide resulting in two identical slimes with roughly one half the mass of the original. Though rare, it is possible for two slimes to come into contact and merge passing essence between themselves before separating again.


There is no discernible spoken language between slimes, but possessing a gelatinous body means they can be very expressive given a requisite level of intelligence. Slimes possess excellent mimicry abilities. They can reproduce everything from eyes to facial expressions or symbology (e.g. exclamation points and question marks) with the adept use of their jelly like bodies. It is possible to communicate with a slime, but most slimes do not have enough intelligence to be considered anything other than a low-leveled instinct driven monster.


There is no discernible culture among slimes. They don’t seem to prefer solitude or gathering into groups. They don’t form societies or avoid forming societies. Areas with higher populations of slimes are most likely due to a higher rate of asexual division due to an abundance of prey.

Creation Myth

It is said that thousands of years ago there was a great god who ruled the skies and the heavens. Every morning, that god would scoop the crystal clear water from a lake in the caldera of a dormant volcano to sate his thirst.

One day, when the lake water had run dry, the god thought to drive a well into the center of the volcano so that the lake water might be replenished. A mighty fist descended from the heavens and the land was rent and broken. A tiny sliver of magic ore in a deep vein of the volcano cut the fist of the god and tiny drop of god blood fell into the torrent of molten rock and water.

This godly mixture wiggled, twisted, expanded, and was compressed experiencing both great heat and great cold until it split into two. The part that stayed in lava was the first red slime and the part that stayed in the lake water was the first blue slime.

No one can confirm the veracity of this story as it is nearly impossible to accurately determine the age of any slime.

Categories: Monsters


A renowned fantasy scholar who has plumbed the depths of Isekai through laborious study of the only known copy of the The Enchiridion of Cuinoseppa – an ancient tome also known as the “Book of Worlds“. A long time fan of anime and light novels with a passion for epic fantasy that is particularly fiery. More traditional subjects of study include Economics and Computer Science.